Building Components

Components of Calhoun's Fabric Buildings

There are many additional and optional fabric building components to complete your fabric buildings that Calhoun can assist you with. We either provide you with recommendations if you wish to source the components yourself, or we employ relevant partners who are specialized in the field. These common fabric building components can be added to Calhoun’s fabric buildings. We work with you to determine the best solution for your needs depending on your structure design, size, and industry application.

End Walls and Side Walls

Calhoun Super Structure fabric building end walls and side walls can be configured in a variety of ways to meet your building requirements.

End wall and side wall fabric plays a key role in the longevity, functionality, and appearance of your fabric buildings. Our end wall and side wall fabric is tensioned both vertically and horizontally, and double-reinforced in all areas where they touch the steel frame.

We offer open-ended fabric buildings, one-ended fabric buildings, fully enclosed end walls, or partially closed end walls. Calhoun can customize your fabric buildings end walls and side walls with a variety of options.

Insulation and Liner image on Building Components

Insulation & Liners

Insulated fabric buildings are most suitable where weather is an impeding factor and heat retention is required, or for industries with caustic environments where insulation is necessary to seal the building frame and prevent contact with corrosive materials. Insulated fabric buildings and climate-control systems provide an optimal indoor environment, which you can opt to fully or partially insulate.

Calhoun can assist in providing various types of insulation and/or liners that work with your particular industry, building application, and size. Some of the options we recommend include:

  • Fabric Liner with Batten Fiberglass Insulation
  • Industrial Grade Reflective Foil Insulation Liner
  • Fabric Liner (no insulation)

Fabric liners can be added to fabric buildings with caustic environments. This ensures the frame does not contact the corrosive materials including fine dust particles. Fabric liners are also included in a cavity-ventilation system to prevent moisture build-up on the steel frames.

HVAC Systems & Ventilation

A well-ventilated fabric building is critical in the comfort and efficiency of your operation. Whether ventilation is needed for the health of employees, livestock productivity, or improving airflow in caustic environments, your ventilation requirements may vary depending on your industry, building application, and size.

HVAC systems and ventilation can be added to most Calhoun fabric building frames. Calhoun can assist in providing various types of ventilation system options that work with your particular industry, building application, and size. Some of the many options we can recommend include:

  • Radiant Tube Ventilation
  • Make Up Air Systems
  • Passive and Active Wall Vents
  • Chimney Vents
  • Ridge Vents

End-wall panels are a maintenance-free option to passively ventilate your fabric building. Mesh or aluminum panels are available in any size and several colors to match your fabric building aesthetic. Fans and exhaust vents are active ventilation options to create desired fabric building airflow. While these options require additional cost and maintenance they provide optimal airflow for certain industry applications.


Mount Style

Our entire fabric building is modeled to not only consider the engineering of our framework and fabric, but the behavior of the mount style right down to any necessary footings. We look at the full package, and model the foundation even if we aren’t designing it. Calhoun thoroughly designs fabric buildings in concert with the overall behaviour of the fabric buildings including different mount styles. Our fabric buildings can be erected on various types of foundations, and offer several different types of wall mounting options to connect to your foundation:

  • Wood Posts
  • Steel Legs
  • Concrete: Poured Walls, Grade Beams, Piers, Demurrage Blocks, T-Panels
  • Shipping Containers

Shipping container foundations create hybrid fabric buildings allowing maximum utilization of the foundation for employee housing, change rooms, washrooms, and storage. The fabric buildings steel framework and fabric cover can be stored in the shipping containers for easy deployment and transportation.

Windows & Doors

Calhoun understands that one of the most critical features of your fabric building is accessing it, and the size the access area needs to be to accommodate employees, livestock, or machinery.

Calhoun can assist in providing various types of windows and door options that work with your particular industry, building application, design, and size. Some of the options we recommend include:

  • Section Overhead Doors
  • Steel Roll-Up
  • Aluminum Roll-Up
  • Rubber Doors
  • Fabric Doors
  • Bifold Doors

Calhoun can assist with providing a variety of man-door options as well, depending on your industry, building application, design, and size requirements. Our professional teams work with you to ensure your fabric building meets your needs and local building codes.