Town of Middleborough, MA


Town of Middleborough, MA

The Challenge:

The Town of Middleborough, Massachusetts’ Department of Public Works (DPW) needed a new side entrance for its original facility. But when the DPW was originally proposed a traditional wooden side-entrance structure, this option proved to be costly and limited in its adaptation. Instead, the customer decided on a durable Calhoun fabric structure—customized to fit the facility’s design and foundation.

Situated on a hill, installing a secure side entrance would require careful configuration between the land’s topography and the building’s foundation specifications. Additionally, the fabric structure would need to seamlessly blend in with the standing DPW facility’s modern style and colors.

To withstand Massachusetts’ harsh winter elements, the DPW facility’s side entrance needed to be strong and weather resistant. Heavy buildup of snow and strong winds could lead to costly structural damage and safety concerns.

The Solution:

With durability top of mind, Calhoun’s fabric structure helped provide long-lasting protection from inclement weather and damaging ultraviolet rays. The side entrance also features a dormer design, above the entrance, to help divert heavy snowfall from accumulating and causing structural damage.

Calhoun’s fabric structures can be customized for a variety of applications, from size – length, width and height — to color and style, including the DPW’s contemporary design. The fabric’s natural translucency results in a brighter atmosphere than many traditional structures, thus reducing or eliminating the need for artificial light and boosting energy cost savings.

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Middleborough, MA
Salt Storage
70 x 104
VP Series

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"Cost-efficient with a shorter installation timeframe than traditional wood or metal buildings, Calhoun’s VP structure met the town's design and function needs."

- Town of Middleborough, MA

VP series 70x104 Salt Exterior1-min