Maintaining comfortable, open manufacturing facilities helps boost production and efficiency. With adaptable manufacturing buildings, your operation will reduce costs and increase production for all processes. Implementing fabric manufacturing structures allows you to create weather-resistant, custom and versatile spaces to suit your evolving needs.

Calhoun’s fabric buildings offer an ideal setup for manufacturing processes. Manufacturing relies on efficient, stable structures to meet and exceed production goals. Large, open spaces and advanced designs allow you to create a cost-efficient setup that enhances productivity while reducing costs. Ensuring the safety of your personnel and equipment is simple with our durable fabric structures. Quickly expand your configuration without sacrificing insulation and strength by using Calhoun fabric solutions.


Meeting the challenges of the manufacturing industry requires cutting-edge solutions and adaptable operations. Maintaining efficient facilities while ensuring personnel and product safety, building security, and environmental protection means investing in versatile factories. As production flow changes, you need a space that will adapt to your fluctuating needs — locking yourself in with metal facilities means investing in expensive repairs and inflexible conditions. Calhoun structures deliver advanced solutions that streamline your process and allow your facility to change without sacrificing efficiency. 

Calhoun’s fabric structures provide advanced solutions to all your manufacturing problems. Open-concept, custom configurations allow you to fit the building to your ever-changing manufacturing needs. The durable, thermally non-conductive fabric protects your operations from the weather while maintaining comfortable interior temperatures. Custom doors and end-closures come fitted to your specifications for security and easy transport of goods. With Calhoun fabric facilities, you’ll add structures as needed and develop the most efficient, cost-effective facility for your operation. 


With our industry-leading warranties and 30 years of experience in advanced fabric facility solutions, you can rely on Calhoun buildings for all your manufacturing operations. You’ll get dedicated assistance with all your structure needs, from repair and recovery services to custom building projects. 

Our engineers and dealers will work closely with you, evaluating your site and assisting you in deciding how to set up your manufacturing facility. We analyze your site, building usage and enclosure request during our fabric-building process to optimize the structure for your operation. 


Calhoun fabric structures offer advanced building solutions to manufacturing operations looking for versatile, custom spaces. From small to large organizations, our spaces improve cost-effectiveness, interior flow and structure durability. No matter your industry, Calhoun will create a custom space that meets your needs. We supply structures to a range of industries, including: 


Calhoun’s HDPE fabric and hot-dipped galvanized steel frames are corrosion-resistant, reducing maintenance costs and increasing your facility’s life span. Hot-dip galvanized steel supports reinforce the frame and ensure its longevity through changing exterior conditions. Our combination of advanced fabric and support materials brings unmatched performance and durability to your manufacturing site.

Weatherproof Material

Calhoun fabric structures use high-density polyethylene (HDPE) fabric to ensure your facility is weatherproof. It’s durable and well-ventilated and prevents UV rays, rain and snow from penetrating your building. Hot-dip galvanized steel provides superior structure strength and support, ensuring your manufacturing facility withstands environmental conditions.

Clear Span Interior

Our fabric structures offer free span interiors up to 250 feet wide and for any length, maximizing your available space and giving you total control over your interior layout. You’ll have a convenient setup and the ability to organize your space as efficiently as possible.

Bright & Airy

Custom windows, doors and closed-end configurations allow you to maximize your facility’s natural light. Enhanced natural light levels cut energy costs without sacrificing interior lighting conditions. fabric brings natural light inside year-round, boosting personnel morale and reducing energy costs for maximum production and cost-effectiveness.

Safety First

The natural light of Calhoun’s manufacturing facilities provides workers with comfortable and healthy working conditions while providing adequate lighting. Our hot-dip galvanized steel frames support life-safety and fire suppression systems. Our optional flame-retardant fabric covers provide further safety and protection to your workers and structure.

Low Operational Costs

Compared to traditional building materials, our fabric covers and steel frames boast low maintenance and operational costs. Fabric manufacturing facilities allow you to produce more without paying the price of a traditional building structure. You can also customize your facility at a much lower cost. With Calhoun, you’ll receive a quick return on your investment without compromising on your building’s features in any way.

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